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Songs of Our Forefathers Part II 先辈的歌(二)之唐风宋雅 [G]

30 Oct 2024 (Wed)

Songs of Our Forefathers Part II 先辈的歌(二)之唐风宋雅 [G]

30 Oct 2024 (Wed)
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Songs of Our Forefathers Part 2
Presented by Lirica Arts

Continuing from the success of last year’s fully subscribed concert Song of Our Forefathers, Lirica Arts presents Part 2 of the “Songs of Our Forefathers” concert series featuring Chinese art songs in Mandarin as well as in our local vernacular of Cantonese, Hokkien, chartering a voyage into the realm of Chinese Art Song repertoire and exploring the song literature of our forefathers and our local art song tradition. 

The evening’s programme focuses on the classical texts of the Tang and Sung period set to music of the contemporary Chinese composers of the 20th and 21st centuries with influences ranging from traditional folk tunes to ancient Chinese classical music and opera.   
The concert will feature Singapore renowned opera baritone Martin Ng and soprano Joyce Lee Tung accompanied by Taiwanese pianist Tseng Ching-I. 

延续着去年《先辈的歌》系列音乐会首次推出的成功,Lirica Arts将于10月30日在Esplanade Recital Studio呈现《先辈的歌》(二)之唐风宋雅,由本地男中音吴翰卫和女高音李彤担纲演唱,并邀请台湾钢琴家曾庆宜担任音乐会的钢琴伴奏;是一场以中文艺术歌曲为主题的音乐会。

当晚的节目除了呈现以粤语/闽南语演唱的艺术歌曲外也,也包括当代作曲家的歌剧作品选段: 如中国作曲家金湘的《热瓦普恋歌》和台湾作曲家阿镗的《西施》是一场古今中外,雅俗共赏的音乐之旅。

Martin Ng, Baritone 吴翰卫(男中音)
Joyce Lee Tung, Soprano 李彤 (女高音)
Tseng Ching-I, Piano 曾庆宜 (钢琴伴奏)Programme Highlights 音乐会节目选曲:
阳关三叠 【唐】 Farewell at the Yangguan Pass 
静夜思【唐】Nocturnal Reflections
枫桥夜泊 【唐】Night Mooring by the Maple Bridge
春花秋月何时了【唐】Spring blossoms, Autumn moon - when will they end?
小重山 【宋】(粤语)The Mound(Cantonese) 
月满西楼【宋】Full Moon by the West Mansion 
点绛唇之登楼赋【宋】The Rouged Lips Theme-Ascending the Tower
乌江项王【宋】Final Battle at the Wu River
囚人摇篮歌 (闽语)The Prisoner’s Lullaby (Hokkien)
雁子 The Little Goose
Approximate running time: 120 minutes with 15 minute intermission

Tickets & Prices

Rating / Age LimitRating: GeneralInfants in arms or children below the age of 7 shall not be admitted.Children aged 7 years and above must purchase tickets for admission.Admission is subject to tickets produced at the entranceLate Seating AdvisoryYou are strongly advised to be seated before the performance start time.Latecomers will be admitted during suitable breaks, if any.Exceptions may be made at Esplanade's discretion depending on the nature of the performance.Photography / Video Recording RulesNo flash photography, unauthorised professional photography, video and audio recording is allowed for this event.Please note that photographs and videos of patrons may be taken at this event for use in our archival and publicity material.

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Esplanade Recital Studio

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+65 63485555
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