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Changi Heritage Trail

04 Jun 2024 (Tue) -
31 Dec 2024 (Tue)

Changi Heritage Trail

04 Jun 2024 (Tue) - 31 Dec 2024 (Tue)
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For centuries, Changi has been a site for cultural, social, economic and military activities. In the early 19th century, its coastal attractions and natural beauty facilitated rare interaction between the elites of colonial society and the working-class residents of the kampongs. The establishment of Changi Cantonment (now known as RAF Changi) and its supporting amenities from 1927, further influenced the livelihoods and lives of the people of Changi.

Changi's landscape has also undergone significant transformation, with primeval forests being cleared for timber, plantations, and settlements. Land reclamation and kampong redevelopment began in the 1920s and dramatically reshaped the eastern coastline from the 1970s. The departure of the British military in 1971 and the subsequent growth of Changi Airport further altered the area's economic and social dynamics.

Over time, the stately barracks, officers' bungalows, and grand messes of Changi Cantonment transitioned from military, to governmental, and then to commercial ownership. Today, many of these buildings have been repurposed into hotels, restaurants, and resorts, including the iconic Changi Cottage.

Explore the diverse narratives of Changi, from the hardships endured by prisoners-of-war and civilians during the Japanese Occupation to the vibrant cultures of the kampongs in the area. Uncover the memories and experiences of the different communities that once called Changi home, and the commonalities they shared.

Tickets & Prices
This event is free.


Event Details Opening hours:
  • Daily : Full Day
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